Advice and Guides

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Individual Consultation

In addition to the extensive information available on our website, we also advise individuals on request on all questions that arise in the professional field of dance. These can be legal questions, those concerning preliminary and professional training, the professional career as a whole, founding and running a dance company, social security, etc.

The office will be happy to provide you with information. Through the various fields of work covered by our board, further expertise is pooled in the association. Finally, we cooperate with other associations and organisations throughout the country and can refer to the right contact points if necessary.

The offer is primarily for our members of all professional groups (dancers, choreographers, managers, mediators, dramaturgs, etc.), who are entitled to three hours of free advice per year.

We also inform institutions, authorities and offices at all levels that deal with questions of concert dance and dance education.

Parents of dance talents as well as dance professionals who are not affiliated with us as members are also welcome to contact us. We reserve the right to charge a consultation fee in these cases if a certain amount of work is involved.

Letters of recommendation are available to non-members for a fee of CHF 50. The costs for letters of recommendation within the framework of the Talentscouting Days are already included in the participation fee.

During COVID-19, we kindly ask you to send us all enquiries by → e-mail if possible or to arrange a meeting with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Availability by phone

Guide to employment contract

This document is the completion of the Swiss Social Insurance Guide and in more than one place we refer to this guide and other links for additional information.

In principle, this guide is aimed at company administrators, with or without experience, as well as at all choreographers who wish to found and manage a company. Despite the rather condensed form, this guide sometimes provides very concrete and specific information, especially in the area of employment contracts. In this respect, it is also addressed to dancers and other employees.

The document is available in German and French. Visit the respective language sites for the appendix.

Guide to Social Insurance

The guide, for which we link to Suissceculture sociale, gives you an overview of the Swiss social security system and compiles information aimed at cultural workers with their specific characteristics. These specific characteristics are in particular the work as freelancers/temporary employees, the short-term nature and variety of contracts, as well as the international mobility of workers, many of whom are foreign nationals who are not used to the Swiss system.

Guide "Founding and running a company in the independent scene"

In principle, this guide is aimed at company managers/administrators, with or without experience, as well as all choreographers who would like to found a dance company or take on administrative tasks for it. Despite the rather condensed form, this guide provides partly very concrete and specific information.

The document is available in German and French. Visit the respective language sites for the appendix.

Guide Diffusion

This document is a guide to advise independent dance companies on diffusion and tour planning.

We would like to point out that this text is written in the masculine form throughout. We have, of course, decided to do this solely for the sake of better readability and hope for your understanding. This will be updated in the next revision.

The guide was commissioned by Danse Suisse and produced by TuTu-Production. It is available in German and French.

Employment of dance teachers

In 2018, Danse Suisse created a model contract for the employment of dance teachers. This means that Swiss dance professionals now have a reference document that provides reliable information for the contractual partners involved. The document offers much useful information and provides clarity on topics such as continued payment of wages, holiday regulations, social security contributions and more.

The model contract can be obtained in German, French and Italian from the Danse Suisse office. Members of Danse Suisse receive the model contract free of charge, non-members can order the document for a fee of CHF 30.

Good practice for organisers and cultural workers

The professional association t.Theaterschaffende Schweiz has developed a leaflet that also contains important information and tips for dance organisers and dance professionals in the sense of 'good practice'.

The leaflet is avalaible in German, French and Italian.