
The career of a dancer usually includes a phase of retraining, in which the course is set for the professional career after the stage career. Dance professionals in Switzerland have various support options at their disposal.

For many dancers, the issue of retraining is an integral part of their profession, and yet there are often big question marks when it comes to giving their career a new direction.

Danse Suisse is involved in this area through a tripartite agreement signed in February 2017 with the two organisations specialising in the retraining of dancers.

In Switzerland, dancers can contact the following bodies:

  • Danse Transition (responsible for French-speaking Switzerland)
  • Swiss Foundation for the Retraining of Performing Artists SSUDK (responsible for German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino).

Both organisations accompany dancers in their retraining and offer them well-founded help in this decisive step in their career.

Note: While applications for scholarships can be submitted to SSUDK at any time, Danse Transition has three deadlines per year by which an application must be submitted.

The financing of the model has not yet been conclusively secured in the long term for either foundation. In collaboration with Danse Suisse, the aim is to find a national solution.