Dienstag 23.01.24
From: Laura Jaeggi

Our members in the spotlight!

The continuous support of our members has helped Danse Suisse to become what it is today - an active community of dance enthusiasts, dancers, educators, facilitators and choreographers. To honour you in this anniversary year, we are launching a new #members section in which we would like to focus on the projects and stories of our members.

Social media

Send us a photo/video of max. 30 seconds of a current project (audition, dance project, workshops, etc.) via social media or → info@dansesuisse.ch.

Danse Suisse will share your content on social media.


Send your projects with a few keywords (activity, place of residence, dance style, etc.) about yourself to → info@dansesuisse.ch.


We are delighted to start the series with Lia Lütolf.

LIA LÜTOLF - Freelance dancer, student of sports management


  • Buch: "arabesque - brisé - chassé - meaning of terms in classical ballet", written by Lia Lütolf, is a reference work that covers 57 basic terms in classical ballet. The term, the reference to the movement or position and the execution are described for each term. The information is supplemented by video sequences that can be accessed via QR codes. Order at → ballett-abc.ch, discount for Danse Suisse members until the end of February.
  • Film:Framework film project (2023)

Education: BA Contemporary Dance, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

Place of residence: Kerns

Dance style: Contemporary dance, classical ballet

Favourite dance step: Jeté (and promenade, due to the linguistic meaning)

This is what I wish for the Swiss dance scene:

Approaching each other and building bridges to create exciting collaborations and help the Swiss dance landscape gain more visibility and appreciation.