Montag 14.10.24
From: Isabella Spirig

On September 27, 2024, after extensive planning, Suisseculture Sociale launched the Artists Take Action project. Artists Take Action, in collaboration with sector professional associations, offers a comprehensive online guide that has been pioneered to help those working in the cultural sector with questions concerning social security, entrepreneurship, and labor laws among many other topics.

The most comprehensive reference work to date is intended to be a work in progress and will expand as further topics come to light. Available in the national languages German, French and Italian, it is aimed specifically at cultural workers. It was developed, proofread and edited in close cooperation with professional associations and experts from the areas of concern. The Artists Take Action website also offers the possibility to send a direct request for advice to the relevant professional associations.

Parallel to the guide, Suisseculture Sociale is also launching a national awareness-raising campaign in which prominent cultural workers explain their personal connection to the topic with short videos. Personalities such as Martin Zimmermann (choreographer and performer), Isabelle Favez (animation filmmaker), Jessica Frossard (musician), Wanda Wylowa (actress) and Andrea Fazioli (author) and many more, report on their experiences regarding social security in cultural work.

To the → videos

Social security for cultural workers is not a utopian idea, but a joint effort – with your support we will reach our common goal.

Spread the information and follow the initiative on social media.



Behind the Artists Take Action Initiative are the umbrella organizations Suisseculture and Suisseculture Sociale as well as the professional associations A*dS (Authors of Switzerland), ARF/FDS (Swiss Film Directors and Screenwriters Association), Danse Suisse, GSFA (Groupement Suisse du Film d'Animation), SMV (Swiss Musicians' Association), SONART (Swiss Association of Music Creators), SSFV (Swiss Syndicate Film und Video), Theaterschaffen Schweiz and Visarte – Berufsverband visuelle Kunst Schweiz.

Artists Take Action was financed by: Albert Koechlin Foundation, Beisheim

Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz, Landis &

Gyr Foundation, Markant Foundation, Migros Culture Percentage, Swiss Trade Union Federation, Swiss Interpreters' Foundation SIS, Arvore Foundation, Corymbo Foundation, ProLitteris, SSA Société suisse des auteurs, Swissperform, Vorsorgestiftung Film und Audiovision VFA, Federal Office of Culture, Cultural Office of the Canton of Zurich and Suisa.