Mittwoch 21.02.24
From: Jean-Marc Heim

Foundation of Danse Suisse on 20 October 2004 - a tribute to its founders.

In honor of our association`s 20th anniversary, we`ve decided that now is a good time to look back in the rear-view mirror and remember where we`ve started.

Our foundation, in 2004, was more of a transformation rather than a beginning. We owe this important turning point to the founders of Danse Suisse, who were already organized long before its creation. Let's give them credit for unifying the forces of dance, which were previously dispersed between many associations (see below for their abbreviations).

The 2004 Statutes

The statutes of the new association, named «Danse Suisse - Swiss Umbrella Association of Dance Professionals» were adopted by a constituent assembly held at the Hotel Schweizerhof in Bern on October 20, 2004. The meeting was attended by representatives from the former umbrella organizations ASD and VSBT, as well as the latter's three-member sub-associations, ASPD, ASuDaC and ASDeM. The → minutes of this official meeting give us the names and functions of the founders. The → minutes of the unofficial meeting that preceded it show that many of Switzerland's dance personalities came to support the event.

A First Milestone

The reorganization of the associative landscape led to the demise of ASD and VSBT, which were replaced by Danse Suisse. Although an indisputable simplification, the three sub-associations operating under VSBT (ASPD, ASuDaC and ASDeM), were, however, adopted under the new Danse Suisse roof. This improved situation still fell short of the original goal, desired by both the founders and the FOC, which was to bring all dance professionals together under a single national association. This wish would later be fulfilled by further restructuring in 2007.

The 2007 Restructuring

After two years' work, and at the instigation of both the Swiss dance community, and the FOC, Danse Suisse restructured in December 2007. It no longer operated as an umbrella organization of dance professionals but instead aimed to bring together individuals from all dance professions (performers, pedagogues, choreographers, administrators, with the addition of mediators in 2023), and all dance styles. As a result, the two sub-associations ASPD and AuDaC were dissolved. Their members were offered to join Danse Suisse directly. ASDeM, for its part, decided to go its own way.

Three diagrams can be used to illustrate the stages outlined above. Respectively it demonstrates the situation before Danse Suisse, the state which followed the first change in 2004, and finally the (still relevant) culmination in 2007.

A Tribute to our Predecessors

The creation of Danse Suisse was a courageous act on the part of those who had the wisdom to let go of their, sometimes-competitive, positions and embark on the road to unification. The risk of standardization was fortunately avoided at the benefit of the entire dance community. We must, however, remain vigilant!

This pivotal moment owes its success not only to the founders of Danse Suisse, but also to the enthusiasm that gripped the entire dance community at the time. Indeed, the importance of «Projet Danse», launched in 2002 by the Swiss Confederation as part of the implementation of the constitutional article on culture, cannot be overlooked.

This project stimulated all dance circles in Switzerland until 2006 by inviting dance professionals and politicians to the same table. It was followed by the creation of → RESO. For the first time, a national organization with substantial resources for dance, set an encouraging example for the unification of associations.

A page on «Projet Danse» can be found on the Confederation's → website.

It should also be noted that during the time of the changing landscape, the merging associations simultaneously collaborated on the → AkzepTanz - 1st Manifesto for Dance project. Shortly after the creation of Danse Suisse, and after a long planning period, the project culminated on November 27th, 2004 in Bern.


Association faîtière suisse des professionnels de la danse

Schweizerische Dachverband des Tanzes

(Swiss Association of Dance Professionals)


Vereinigung Schweizerischer Berufsverbände des Tanzes

Fédération suisse des associations professionnelles de la danse

(Federation of Swiss Professional Dance Associations)


Association suisse des professeurs de danse classique

Schweizerische Ballettlehrer Verband

Associazione svizzera maestri di danza classica

(Swiss Association of Ballet Teachers)


Association suisse des danseurs et chorégraphes

Schweizerische Verband der Tänzer und Choreographen

Assoziazione Svizzera dei Danzatori e Coreografi

(Swiss Association of Dancers and Choreographers)


Association suisse de la Danse et du Mouvement

Schweizerische Berufsverband für Tanz und Gymnastik

(Swiss Professional Association for Dance and Gymnastics)


Office fédéral de la Culture

Bundesamt für Kultur

Ufficio federale della Cultura

(Federal Office of Culture)